World microbiom day
Global soil diversity initiative scientific effort
Antimicrobial resistance WHO
Material transfer agreement template
The Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit-sharing
Pérez-Valera E., Kyselková M., Ahmed E., Sládeček F. X. J., Gomerna M., Elhottová D. (2019): Native soil microorganisms hinder the soil enrichment with antibiotic resistance genes following manure applications. Sci Rep 9, 6760 (2019).
Supplementary information to Pérez-Valera E., Kyselková M., Ahmed E., Sládeček F. X. J., Gomerna M., Elhottová D. (2019): Native soil microorganisms hinder the soil enrichment with antibiotic resistance genes following manure applications. Sci Rep 9, 6760 (2019).
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