Collection of Soil Bacteria


The Day of Open Doors at Biological Center of Academy of Sciences of Czech Republic 7. and 8. November 2019

On the occasion of The Day of Open Doors at Biological Center of Academy of Sciences of Czech Republic we presented to pupils and students the collection of soil bacteria and also how to work with bacteria. Students also tried by themselvess some molecular biologic techniques as well as microbiological methods. For example pipetting liquids from isolation kit and inoculating bacteria on plates with solid medium.

Department of soil microbiology - Stage: Soil bacteria

Foto  RNDr. Dana Elhottová, Ph.D., Bc. Karolína Farková

Soil exposition at Hobby 2019 České Budějovice

8/5/2019 Exposition of soil bacteria collection BCCO

Expert commentary by L. Jíšová about soil bacteria and unique collectin of soil organisms BCCO, they were presented in the form of mini exibithion „Stories of the collections“ in the mobile laboratory of BC CAS (foto D. Elhottová)

Observation of live exhibits from Collection of soil bacteria BCCO under microscope and on nutrient culture media (foto D. Procházková)

A great success, especially for children, was the “School through Play”, under the leader ship of workers Laboratory of soil bacteria  ISB BC CAS

(Bc. K. Farkové a L. Jíšové) they performed the process of isolation of microorganisms from the soil to nutrient media (foto D. Elhottová)


Cultivation achievements of young microbiologists, who had tried the work of soil microbiologist by school through play  (foto D. Elhottová)

How difficult is "to do the science" and am I going to be a scientist?

Support for functioning and popularization of biological collections of CAS

February 2019

Educational popularization program for high school students is focused on the issue of spreading bacterial resistance in the environment. It includes a lecture concluded with a discussion and a visit to the Laboratory of Soil Bacteria of the IPB BC CAS, including the Collection of Soil Bacteria BCCO. In February 2019 the program was attended by 20 students from veterinary school (SOŠ veterinární, mechanizační a zahradnická a Jazyková škola s právem státní jazykové zkoušky v Českých Budějovicích).


Open Days at the Biological Center of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
9 and 10 November 2018

Department of Soil Microbiology. Site: Soil bacteria

As part of the popularization of the Collection of Soil Bacteria, creative scientific workshops were prepared in which visitors could try out the work of a scientist, such as how to isolate individual bacteria. Workshops received many positive feedbacks

Photo: RNDr. Dana Elhottová, Ph.D., Ing. Václav Krištůfek, CSc., Ing. Nina Kernerová



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